Sunday, August 19, 2007

Obedience saved my life!

One night, there was a shooting in my sector. Because I wasn't the primary investigating officer, I had to secure the crime scene. My patrol car was parked in the middle of the street with the strobe lights flashing. All of a sudden, I felt a strong desire to praise God. Now mind you, I'm standing in the middle of the street in full uniform. I thought to myself, "How am I gonna look standing with my hands lifted up to the Lord, in the middle of a crime scene?" Then the Lord said, "Get in the car, now, and praise Me!" So, I got into my car and I began to praise my Lord and after about 30 seconds, 8 gunshots rang out! I saw people running. No one got hurt. Thank God! I initially thought that this may have been the reason that God had me praising Him. I could have been interceding for someone who was about to get shot. Suddenly, 2 undercover officers walked over to me and one of them said, "Officer Fields, a citizen said that a car stopped in the intersection two blocks away from here and a man got out of the car and began to shoot at you." "Shoot at me!" I thought. As the officers drove away, I looked toward heaven and a tear rolled down my face. It finally made sense. Had I not obeyed the Lord by getting into my car when He told me to, even when it didn't make sense, I could have been killed. I didn't even know that I was in danger, but, God knew! Obedience saved my life!!!


Old Plod said...

Hi Eugene, thanks for visiting my blog and for posting a very nice comment. I have read all of your postings and visited your website. I am pleased to say that I have placed an order for your publication Shift Change and very much look forward to reading it in due course. I wish I could have had a copy with the author's signature in but as I live in Plymouth, England, that will not be possible! However, I wish you well with your public signing sessions in Baltimore on Thursday.

As Andrew Hawkins, a police chaplain in London says, "Every police officer is a human being in need of care and the gospel hope"

Can I recommend you take a look at the website of the British Christian Police Association at as I believe you will find it of interest. It also has a recommended reading page and you may like to invite them to consider including Shift Change as there can be no better testimony than that of a serving law enforcement officer whose faith is his guiding tenet.

Christian police officers have found it is possible to have a different quality of life through a personal faith in Jesus Christ. Only He can make a real, lasting difference.

Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all heart, with all your soul, and all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself" I pray that God will help us do just that as we go about our daily life at home and at work.

God has the power to break the Devil's negative influence of drugs, alcohol abuse, anger and rejection which cause people's lives to be so tarnished. Police officers witness this on a daily basis but, those of us who are Christians, know that there is another way. As you so correctly state "A shift in your thinking will produce change in your life!"

Isaiah 59:1 'The arm of the Lord is not too short to save'....anyone!

I have book marked your blog and will certainly be making return visits so please keep up your internet ministry. Kind regards, David (Old Plod)

Eugene Fields, Jr. said...

Thanks David. Your signed copy is on it's way to you as we speak. You've encouraged me to continue to step out on faith and to continue to obey God. Prayerfully, the Shift Change Series will be in the hands of police officers worldwide. Let it be so, in Jesus name! Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.